This paper, a sedimentpetrological study, deals with the results of two counts of Fennoscandinavian boulders, occurring in West-Drente, forming the central part of the northern Netherlands (table I). The method used was the 'four-groupssystem' of Professor Hesemann. A complete list with the results of all published counts is added; this list (table II), which is shortly discussed, shows the quite different origine of the boulder-associations in the glacigene deposits of the Netherlands. All counts concern boulders which are transported by the landice to the low countries; this transport may date back to the Pleistocene Riss glacial epoch (= Saalian).

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Grondboor & Hamer

CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding")

Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging

J.G. Zandstra. (1972). Notities over heidegrond en hun ontginning en twee nieuwe zwerfsteentellingen in Drente. Grondboor & Hamer, 26(1), 7–18.