This paper presents an overview of present distribution patterns and ecology of a selection of 65 Dutch lichen species based on a large data set of reliable and/or verified records that have been collected and recorded since 1951. The selected lichens are grouped into 13 ecological groups, each consisting of five species with comparable ecology. The distribution patterns of these groups are presented as distribution maps and range from purely edaphic to air pollution-related. The distribution of epilithic species growing on north-exposed church walls (Fig. 2) seems to be correlated with the frequent occurrence of fog. The distribution of epilithic species growing on exposed granite (Fig. 5) corresponds with the occurrence of megalithic monuments in the northern part of the Netherlands and the 18th century sea dykes made from boulders from these monuments. The distribution of terrestrial lichen species (Fig. 9) provides additional support for the recognition of a ‘Renodunal Flora District’ for vascular plants that is separated from the ‘Wadden Flora District’. The compilation of distribution patterns of selections of lichen species with slow dispersal may be a useful tool to discover remnants of old forests in the Netherlands.