The large vacuole in the embryosac of the coconut makes it possible to analyse vacuole sap without admixture of protoplasmatic substances, and thus to find out what nutrients are present or lacking. This vacuole is probably the second largest in plants. Another palm, Loidoicea Seychellarum, has still larger nuts. The analyses were carried out by Mr. A. C. Spoelstra and Mr. H. J. Immink under supervision of Dr. W. B. Deys of the Institute for Chemical and Biological Research on Field Crops at Wageningen. Amino acids were determined by Dr. J. van Die of the Laboratory for Plant Physiology, also at Wageningen. Samples of the sap and leaves were taken by Ir. H. Hoestra at Togo. The author is much indebted to these gentlemen for their kind help.