A study was made of the occurrence of iridoid glycosides (giving a colour reaction with anisidine) in the Scrophulariaceae. Aucuboside, catalpol and antirrhinoside were found in many species: in addition some hitherto unknown, presumably iridoid glycosides were found. Most tribes were homogeneous as to the types of glycosides present, while the subfamilies were not. On the basis of the prevailing glycosides the family can be segregated into the following groups: 1. taxa devoid of glycosides (most Gralioleae, the Calceolarieae, most Digitaleae, Sphenandra, Sutera p.p., and Nemesia). 2. taxa containing aucuboside and (or) catalpol ( Verbasceae, Scrophularieae, Collinsieae Hemiphragmeae, Buchnereae, Veroniceae, Rhinantheae, Sutera p.p., Limosella, Mazus, Zaluzianskya, Angelonia, Diascia, Erinus, and Rehmannia). 3. taxa containing antirrhinoside (Antirrhineae). 4. the Selaginoideae with unidentified glysosides. The genera Leucocarpus, Halleria, and Alonsoa have aberrant, but presumably iridoid glycosides, and therefore do not fit in any of the groups mentioned.