Cellulose is the most common biopolyraer on earth. The first monograph about this raw material, which is so important to man, appeared in Britain as early as 1895. Since then, an immense amount of research work has been done to elucidate the chemical and physical structures of cellulose and other cell wall polymers. The present book discusses in detail the synthesis and biodegradation of cellulose. The latter is a new aspect, but has been justly included, since cellulose biodegradation is of vital importance for man and his environment. The first section includes 12 chapters on the chemical and physical properties of cellulose and other relevant cell wall polymers, as well as the role of the terminal complexes and rosettes in the synthesis of cellulose, the development of microflbrils, the in vivo and in vitro synthesis of cellulose in higher plants and in Acelobacler xylinum, and the cloning of genes involved in the cellulose synthesis by Acetobacter xylinum.