An adult male Walckenaeria clavicornis Emerton 1882 (unicornis-group of species in Wackenaeria) was found on 5 February 1998 at about 35 m distance from a parking place on the Amsterdam University grouds in the Netherlands. It was hiding in a dark small cavity in wet ground under a dark plate of synthetic material on ground level. As this species was never found before, neither in the Netherlands, nor in countries bordering the Netherlands, we suspect that it may have been transported in a car from a European country where it does occur, perhaps from Great Britain, Switzerland, or Austria. Thus, people of our University which visited Great Britain or Austria may have enclosed a wandering W. clavicornis male in their car, or people coming from other universities and visiting our university may have done so.

Nieuwsbrief SPINED

CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding")

EIS Kenniscentrum Insecten en andere ongewervelden

B. Heuts, & P.J. van Helsdingen. (2009). First record of Walckenaeria clavicornis (Araneae, Linyphiidae) in the Netherlands. Nieuwsbrief SPINED, 27, 27–28.