The breeding birds in a 125 ha large part of the valley of the river Hunze (NE-Drenthe, 6°46’N, 53°03’E) were mapped in 1995 and 1996, following standardised mapping techniques. The survey plot consists of a part of the river Hunze (completely regulated and straightened) and the adjacent wet, semi-traditional farmland, river dunes and woodlots (mainly Quercus robur). Parts of the area have recently been managed in order to regain a more natural habitat. All in all, 69 breeding species were found, several of which in high densities such as Anthus pratensis, Motacilla flava, Acrocephalus palustris and Sylvia communis. Moreover, despite its small size the plot held high numbers of species on the Dutch Red List such as Gallinago gallinago, Limosa limosa, Tringa totanus and Saxicola rubetra. Further habitat improvements are planned in the near future, in order to regenerate a more natural river valley system.