The central theme of the annual meeting of the Colonial Waterbird Society, which will be held at Palais des Congrès, Arles, France from 6 to 10 October 1993, is ’Behavioural ecology and population biology of colonial waterbirds’. As part of this aim, there is a special symposium entitled ’Study and conservation of colonial waterbirds in the Mediterranean region’. The symposium format consists papers in two major areas: breeding biology of colonial waterbirds and conservation of wetlands as nesting sites and feeding ecology of colonial waterbirds and conservation of wetlands as foraging sites. A workshop on the biology and conservation of the Roseate Tern will also take place during the meeting. For additional information contact: Dr Frank Cézilly, Chair of scientific programme, 1993 meeting of the Colonial Waterbird Society, Le Sambuc, 13200 Arles, France.