(488) DEVAI, G., 1971. Die Libellen- (Odonata-) Fauna der toten Flussarme der Bodrog bei Särospatak. Teil II. Acta biol. debrecina 7-8: 153-160. – (Inst. Zool, L. Kossuth Univ., Debrecen-10, HU). A list of 41 spp., based on a collection of 4953 specimens, brought together from 1960 through 1968 at Sarospatak, Hungary. (489) PAVLJUK, R.S., 1971. O zarazhennosti imaginal’noi stadi! strekoz (Odonata) parazitami v usloviyah zapadnyh Ukrainy. (On the infestation grade of adult dragonflies [Odonata] by parasites in the western provinces of the Ukraine). Proc. XIII Int. Congr. Ent. (Moscow 1968) 2: 88-89. (Russian). – (Dept. Invert. Zool., Lvov Univ., 4 Shcherbakov Str., 290005 Lvov. Ukraine, USSR). In 5220 examined specimens, referable to 47 odon. spp. the following parasites were fotmd: Arrhenurus larvae, metacercariae, larvae of Tatria decacantha (Cestodes), solitary mermithid larvae. In the muscles of 14 spp. eggs were discovered of an unknown insect. For more common parasites maximal degrees of infestation are given.