The observations were carried out at 2 localities in Nigeria. The dd defend territories, maintained on a temporary basis. The number of days on which individuals visited water varied from 1-14 (mean 5.33). The territory length amounted to 1.5-2.0 m (between 09.00-10.30 hrs), and 0.50-0.75 m (later in the day). The territories were defended for 842 min. Sperm transfer was not observed after a d had secured a 9. Copulation ranged between 3.9-6.8 sec. Both sexes mated more than once daily. After copulation the partners were resting either separately or, infrequently, in tandem (0.0-106.7 sec). Oviposition is complex and lasted for 20.9-160.3 sec (mean 74.7). The perching plants provided suitable oviposition sites.