The 6 germ-cell complements are described and illustrated of the following spp., 4 of which (asterisked) are new to cytology, while of 10 of the others only the chromosome numbers were previously known: Coenagrionidae; Coenagrion glabrum (Burm.) (n=!4), Pseudagrion acaciae Foerst. (n=14 ?, m), P. kersteni (Gerst.) (n=14), P. salisburyense Ris (n=!4, m)\ — Calopterygidae: Phaon iridipennis (Burm.) (n=13, m); Libellulidae: Bradinopyga cornuta Ris(n=I3, m). Crocothemis erythraea (Brulle) (n=!3, m), C. sanguinolenta (Br.)* (n=!3, m), Orthetrum abbotti Calv. (n=!3, m), O. chrysostigma (Burm.)(n=!3, m). O. julia falsum Longf.* (n= 13, m; in 1 of the 2 specimens regular precocious division of X at diakinesis, some cells with an extra element of unclear structure and unknown provenience; on the basis of these features the possibility of the hybrid nature,of the taxon is advanced), Palpopleura jucunda Ramb.* (n=!3, m), Pantala flavescens (Fabr.) (n=!3, mextremely minute), Trithemis annulata ( Beauv,)(n—l3), T. arteriosa (Burm.) (n= 13, m), and T. dorsalis (Ramb.)* (n=13, m).


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Societas Internationalis Odonatologica

J.W. Boyes, J.M. Van Brink, & B. Kiauta. (1980). Sixteen dragonfly karyotypes from the Republic of South Africa and Swaziland, with evidence on the possible hybrid nature of Orthetrum julia falsum Longfield (Anisoptera: Libellulidae). Odonatologica, 9(2), 131–145.