From 3 localities in the Luzon Island the male germ cell complements were examined of the following 8 spp., 3 of which (asterisked) are new to cytology; Coenagrionidae: Agriocnemis f. femina (Brauer)* (n=14), Ischnura senegalensis (Ramb.) (n=14), Pseudagrion microcephalum (Ramb.) (n=!4, m), P. rubriceps Sei. (2n=27, m), Chlorocyphidae; Rhinocypha c. colorata Sei.* (2n=25, n=!3 [?], 12 [?], m)\ Libellulidae; Crocothemis servilia (Dru.) (n=13, m), Neurothemis terminata Ris* (n=!3, m), and Trithemis pallidinervis (Kirby) (n=l3, m). The Philippine population of I. senegalensis is the first of this sp. in which the mchromosomes are defmitely lacking; the geographic Variation in the TCL of this taxon is briefly outlined.