(4031) REICHHL-DOLMATOFF, G., 1973. Desana. Le symbolisme universeI des Indiens Tukano du Vaupes. Gallimard, Paris [?]. 331 pp. — (Author’s address not known). In the chapter on religious symbolism, the following narrative appears on p. 252 [verbatim translation from French]:’’Dragonflies are the guardians of water plants that grow in the places where the "Master of Fish” lives. They take care of the leaves and the flowers that float on the water and which "Wai-maxse" keeps to offer shadow to the fishes”. — (Abstracter’s Note: Vaupes is a commissariat in southeastern Colombia, 90.000 km2 between the Amazonas rain forest and the Llanos, bounded by RioGuaviare, Rio Apaporis, and the Brazilian border).