G.H. BICK & J.C. BICK (1985, Odonalologica 14: 1-28) studied 6 spp. of Polythore in the picta group. An additional 859 specimens are now assigned to 10 spp. in 5 other groups. These groups are characterized, keys to males and females are presented, synonyms are given, and species are redescribed with a drawing of the terminal segment of the penis of each and a color photograph of the wings of each sex. The groups and their included spp. are: vittata group: vittaia (Sel.); — victoria: victoria (McL.); — boliviana: boliviana (McL.), ornata (Sel.), williamsoni( (Foer.); — batesi: batesi (Sel.), beata (McL.), aurora (Sel.), mutata (McL.); — concinna: cominna (McL.). The genus occurs primarily in western South America north of Chile. The 6 spp. in the picta group and 6 ( boliviana, concinna. mutata, ornata, victoria, williamsoni), in the present study are essentially Andean, primarily above 300 m; 4 spp. (aurora. batesi, beata, vittata) are Amazonian, from lowlands primarily below 300 m.