Odonates exhibit a variety of weather associated behaviours, including abandoning ponds just before storms begin. They may be able to detect changes in weather that alert them to approaching storms and allow them to escape the water’s edge before it begins to rain. E. annexum and E. boreale were observed at a Colorado marsh (USA) to determine which weather factors contributed to the weather-induced behaviours they exhibit. They were observed for 191 five-minute periods and their flight activity quantified. Weather parameters were measured during each interval to account for rapid changes in conditions. Based on results from multiple regression analysis, it is clear that light intensity is the strongest weather parameter affecting zygopteran flight activity, but temperature, wind speed, and the presence of rain are also significant. The 2 spp. exhibited pond abandonment behaviour during storms. It is likely that storms are dangerous to zygopterans and their apparent ability to detect impending storms is a survival mechanism. Alternatively, pond abandonment behaviour may be triggered by the same factors necessary to trigger roosting and the zygopterans simply return to their roosting sites during storms.