40 spp. were brought on record during 1992 and 1993, which brings the number of spp. known from the province up to 43. The presence of Onychogomphus costae Sel. and Sympetrum sinaiticum tarraconense Jödicke is of special interest. Records of Coenagrion caerulescens (Fonsc.), C. scitulum (Ramb.), Erythromma viridulum (Charp.), Aeshna isosceles (Müll.), Oxygastra curtisii (Dale) and Trithemis annulala (P. de Beauv.) are also noteworthy. There is no evidence that there has been any change in the species present in the last 100 years. Poor weather condition during spring and early summer 1992 and during spring 1993 resulted in generally low numbers of mature specimens. Due to favourable weather in autumn, most late summer species were abundant. In several species, viz. Lestes barbarus (Fabr.), E. viridulum, Ischnura elegans (Vander L.), I. pumilio (Charp.) and A. parthenope Sel,, the latest observation dates exceed all dates hitherto reported from Spain. Emergence phenology and the duration of the flight period indicated a bivoltine life history in Cercion lindenii (Sel.), Anax imperalor Leach, Orthetrum cancellatum (L.), O. coerulescens (Fabr.), and Crocothemis erythraea (Brullé). All three Ischnura spp. and Sympetrum fonscolombii (Sel.) seem to be polyvoltine in warm waters. — Female polychromatism is quantified in several coenagriid spp., and it is argued that the blue variety of female Aeshna mixta Latr. is genetically fixed. In juvenile females of I. elegans and I. graellsii (Ramb.), unusual colour types occurred. Mixed couples in reciprocal combinations of these two spp. were collected, as well as several interspecific hybrids which seemed to be confined to the F1 stage. — The ability for long distance dispersal by Ceriagrion tenellum (de Vill.) is demonstrated. Submerged oviposition of both female I. graellsii and tandem of C. mercuriale (Charp.) is described. Anax parthenope is amongst the crepuscular aeshnids that perform feeding flight as well as patrol flight and oviposition after sunset.