The species has been recently repotted from Italy and Greece (e g. L. DELL’ANNA et al., 1996, Notul. odonatoi 4: 135-136), but the status of the C. viridis/parvidens-complex in southern Central Europe and in the Balkan remains unknown. H.J. DUMONT (1977, Bull. Annls Sue. r. beige Ent. 113: 187-209) lists C. v. viridis from a locality on the Croatian Adriatic coast, but since this concerns a freshly emerged (“fraichement eclose") female, its identity must be considered uncertain. On 22 September 1996, a male C. parvidens was taken in the bushes, on the left bank of the Krka, in the Krka River National Park, ca 1 km downstream from Roski Falls (= RoSki slap, UTM WJ 76). This is the first record for Croatia. Due to bad weather conditions, the locality could not be searched for more material then.