Odonata mass data (M.L. MAY, 1981, Odonatologica 10: 279-291) are of interest in studies of physiology (ML. MAY, 1976, J. comp. Physiol. Ill; 55-70), energetics (M.L. MAY, 1979. J. exp. Biol. 83: 79-84), and ecology (M.L. MAY, 1984, Adv. Odonalol. 2: 95-116). For example, measurements of mass data have been used to study patterns of mass gain and sexual dimorphism in odonates (B.R. ANHOLT, J.H. MARDEN & D.MJENKINS, 1991, Can. J. Zool. 69: 1156- -1163). Because of the paucity of published mass data, Anholt et al. found it necessary to measure dry museum specimens and to infer fresh masses from allometric data. The author had the opportunity during the summer of 1998 (July 12 through September 12) to collect Odonata in Kansas and Nebraska in the Great Plains of the United States, and to measure total mass of a number of species. Measurements were made, using a Scientech SA-120 electronic analytic balance, to an accuracy of 0.1 mg. Specimens were kept in glassine envelopes which were in turn stored in zip-lock plastic bags in a cooler until they could be weighed. Measurements were made of live insects within several hours of their capture.