V.L. BESHOVSKJ (1964, Bull. Inst. Mus. Sofia 15: 115-129) and H. BEUTLER (1987, Opusc. zool.flumin. 16: 1-8) have provided information on the occurrence of this species in SE and SW Bulgaria and along the Black Sea coast, with Baltchik as the northernmost locality. Recent surveys have extended the known range up to Kavama in the North, and in the Rhodope Mts (cf. Fig. 1). These authors have also supplied some evidence on its habitat preferences, while some additional data on the ecology of the species were given subsequently by V.L. BESHOVSKI (1966, Priroda, Sofia 50(3): 66-68; – 1967, Bull. Inst. Zool. Mus. Sofia 24; 5-20). As it goes from the above publications, C. microstigma inhabits rapid, shadowy streams, with rich aquatic and bank vegetation, e.g. Berula erecta and Equisetum spp. at the emergence sites. The exuviae are located also on stones and on tree bark. (G. PETERS, 1987, Die Edellibellen Europas, Ziemsen-Verlag, Wittenberg Lutherstadt).