A dark female Buzzard was found emaciated in Friesland on 12 November 2012, and died two days later;; this bird had been ringed as chick on 26 June 1989 and reached an age of 8542 days (23 years old). Another dark female Buzzard was captured on a bal-­chatri in Friesland on 8 December 2012, presumably a local breeding bird (known by local raptorphiles);; this bird had been ringed as chick on 3 June 1992, i.e. had reached an age of 7493 days (20 years old). Friesland is notorious for its raptor persecution (one of the 2012-­chicks of the second female was found poisoned in 2012), but apparently some birds seem able to escape persecution hazards for extended periods of time.