Asummary obituary of Dr Bernard Verdcourt (1925-2011), systematic botanist of note and prominent malacologist. Verdcourt was responsible for major parts of the ‘Flora of East Africa’ and the ‘Flora Zambeziaca’. As a malacologist he successfully specialized in the non-marine Mollusca of East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania) and produced the first checklist since 1897. Through a combination of compilation, revision and description Verdcourt increased the number of non-marine mollusc species-group taxa in East Africa from 534 (1897) to 1336 (2006). He introduced 152 East African species-group names; of a total of 1336 this represents more than 10 %. Details of his work are discussed in the context of East African malacology, interwoven with personal reminiscences.


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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

A.C. van Bruggen. (2012). Bernard Verdcourt, 1925-2011, prominent British malacologist, some personal memories and a summary analysis of his work. Basteria, 76(4/6), 139–148.