In October 2007, oystercatchers started feeding on Pacific oysters which were introduced into the Wadden Sea already around 1976. Particularly after 2000, they increased rapidly and formed reef structures. Up to now oystercatchers were unable to feed on Pacific oysters, probably because they live in large clusters and reefs and are difficult to open for them. Part of the oysters settle, however, on small substrates such as shells and remain for some time solitary. Early October hundreds of these solitary oysters were removed by waves and currents towards the high-water line. When they are long enough out of the water, they start to gape and this is the moment oystercatchers can insert their bill and remove the flesh. Oysters consumed by oystercatchers were on average 6.3 cm long and showed very little shell damage.


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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

Gerhard C. Cadée. (2008). Oystercatchers Haematopus ostralegus catching Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas. Basteria, 72(1/3), 25–31.