An acoustic camera as complementary aid for chorus counts of the European tree frog In most populations of the European tree frog (Hyla arborea) the number of calling males in a chorus is used as a measure for the population size. To access this size a commonly used method is to count or estimate these numbers by hearing after sunset. In the spring of 2019, a pilot study was done in which a handheld acoustic camera is used as a method to estimate the population size. This acoustic camera records the individual locations of calling males on a tablet. Videos of these recordings can be analysed afterwards with software on a computer. It appeared that both methods gave similar results, however after improving several preconditions for use in the fi eld and improving automated software analyses, an acoustic camera has shown t0 have promising broader use in amphibian research

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H. van Buggenum. (2019). Een geluidscamera als aanvullend hulpmiddel voor koortellingen van boomkikkers. RAVON, 21(3), 46–48.