Decennialang was de muurhagedis een extreem zeldzame soort in Nederland. Nu het herstel van de natuurlijke muurhagedissenpopulatie in Maastricht heeft doorgezet duiken er echter ook elders in Nederland op grote schaal muurhagedissen op. Waar komen ze vandaan, hoe vindt de verspreiding plaats en zijn het losse individuen of vindt er ook succesvolle voortplanting plaats? Explosive growth of Wall lizard introductions At the northernmost edge of its range, the Netherlands has only one native population of Wall lizards (Podarcis muralis brongniardii), which is Red-listed as ‘vulnerable’. The first known introductions outside its native range occurred in the 1960s. Since 2000, a rapid increase has been observed. As of 2023, 115 localities are known, spread over the country, mostly in urban and industrial areas. At least 20 of these locations seem to have persistent populations. The Wall lizards predominantly originate from French and Italian clades. Introductions occur both intentionally and accidentally. In recent years, secondary dispersion has become more frequent. Driven by ongoing human transport and climate change, a further increase of introductions is expected in the future, posing risks to native fauna

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F. Spikmans, & R. Creemers. (2024). Explosie van muurhagedis-introducties. RAVON, 26(4), 72–75.
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