Beremendia fissidens is a rare shrew in the British Pleistocene deposits, known only from one Cromerian locality (Sugworth) at present. This note describes an additional specimen from the foreshore Crag at East Runton of Villanyian age ca 1.7 m.y.b.p. and a molar, recorded for the first time, from the type Cromerian Freshwater Bed at West Runton, ca 700,000 y.b.p. Sorex minutus is also recorded from the Freshwater Bed at West Runton, where it has not previously been noted.


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Werkgroep Pleistocene Zoogdieren

D.L. Harrison, & J.D. Clayden. (1993). New records of Beremendia fissidens (Petenyi, 1864) and Sorex minutus Linnaeus, 1766 (Insectivora: Soricidae) from the British Lower and Middle Pleistocene. Cranium, 10(2), 97–99.