Recent sediments in some of the major waterways in the SW Netherlands are highly contaminated by heavy metals and organic microcompounds. As part of an assessment study, twenty samples from two boreholes have been examined micromorphologically. The description recorded in this paper deals with texture, structure, plasmic fabric, diagenetic changes (widespread neoformations) and the composition of the particles, i.e. synthetic spherules. Analyses of all data revealed that the sediments can be considered to be sedimentologically stable and chemically unstable.

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Grondboor & Hamer

CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding")

Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging

J.J.M. van der Meer, J.W. van Berghem, & P.F. van Dreumel. (1994). Microscopische waarnemingen aan waterbodems van de zuidrand van het noordelijke deltabekken. Grondboor & Hamer, 48(3), 49–54.