The Hoogezandsche Gorzen, and nearby inland polders, along the northern bank of the Hollandsch Diep in the province of Zuid-Holland consist of grasslands, degenerated reedbeds and a former decoy. It is inaccessible to the public. The area is an important waterfowl haunt, especially for roosting geese. Since 1969/70, wintering juvenile or immature White-tailed Eagles have been using this area as a foraging and roosting site, at first infrequently but since 1998/99 annually. The length of their stay varied between 7 and 92 days (Table 1). It is surmised that the area (including the hinterland) attracts White-tailed Eagles because of the absence of human disturbance, the abundance of food (carrion, winged waterfowl) and the presence of tree rows and woodlots for roosting. However, human disturbance is likely to increase in the near future, following plans to open up the region for urbanisation, recreation and horticulture under glass.