Een nieuw landbouwprodukt: vlinders!
Vlinders , Volume 9 - Issue 5 p. 7- 11
Agricultural land is generally not a suitable habitat for butterflies. However, by making relatively simple adaptations a lot can be improved for a number of mobile species. The authors discuss the theory on which these expectations are based. This Includes the presence of unsprayed field margins in the arable crops, thus creating "corridors" and "stepping stones" for the butterflies. The occurrence of butterfly species in the Haarlemmermeer polder is discussed. For Maniola jurtina an arrangement of unsprayed field margins has been made by calculation which will preserve a lasting butterfly population.
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Vlinders | |
CC BY-NC 4.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding-NietCommercieel") | |
Organisation | De Vlinderstichting |
Saskia Aldershof, Geert de Snoo, & Ruud Cuperus. (1994). Een nieuw landbouwprodukt: vlinders!. Vlinders, 9(5), 7–11. |