Following a cardial infarction, Dr. ER WIN JÖRG, Director of the ’’Landessammlungen für Naturkunde” ( Karlsruhe, German Federal Republic), passed away in the midst of his work, on Friday, February 10, 1977. The participants of the Second International Symposium of Odonatology will remember this gentleman who invited us into his Museum, spoke the warm introductory words at the Symposium, and to whom we owe a great deal of the success of our 1973 meeting. Dr. Jörg was born on January 10, 1917, in Frickingen near Überlingen, on the Bodensee. He studied at the Universities of Freiburg and Göttingen, and was a well known paleontologist. Of particular importance are his studies on the fauna of the Upper Tertiary lake of Höwenegg, and on the Triassic fish remains near Karlsruhe.