The status of Arctic terns Sterna paradisaea at Shetland and Orkney in 1994 Article
Atlantic seabirds, 1(3), 135-143.Emma Brindley, G. Mudge, N. Dymond, C. Lodge, B. Ribbands, D. Steele, P. Ellis, E. Meek, D. Suddaby en N. Ratcliffe
January 1999 -
The population status of Sooty Terns Sterna fuscata on Ascension Island Article
Atlantic seabirds, 1(4), 159-168.Norman Ratcliffe, John Hughes en Fiona A. Roberts
January 1999 -
Reproductive success in the Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo carbo in relation to colony nest position and timing of nesting Article
Atlantic seabirds, 1(3), 107-120.D.J. Andrews en K.R. Day
January 1999 -
Comparative breeding biology of Guillemots Uria spp. and Razorbills Alca torda at a colony in the Northwest Atlantic Article
Atlantic seabirds, 1(3), 121-134.J. Mark Hipfner en Rachel Bryant
January 1999 -
January 1999
Staging of Roseate Terns Sterna dougallii in the post-breeding period around Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA Article
Atlantic seabirds, 1(4), 145-158.Peter Trull, Scott Hecker, Maggie J. Watson en Ian C.T. Nisbet
January 1999 -
January 1999
The status of the European Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis population on the Atlantic coast of the Iberian peninsula Article
Atlantic seabirds, 1(3), 97-106.Alberto Velando, Franciso Docampo en David Alvarez
January 1999