The record of both a dextral Fruticicola lantzi and a sinistral F. sinistrorsa on one leaf of a plant is discussed in relation to their taxonomic level. In former times these reciprocal chiral forms were considered subspecies of F. lantzi. Now, because of their premating isolation and their syntopic occurrence, in accordance with Schileyko, these taxa have to be considered different species. The populations of both species provided the opportunity to study covariance in relation to their reciprocal morphs.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

C.J.P.J. Margry. (2017). Record of Fruticicola lantzi (Lindholm, 1927) and Fruticicola sinistrorsa Tsvetkov, 1938 (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Bradybaenidae) from Kyrgyzstan. Basteria, 81(4-6), 93–96.