One of the syntypes of Strombus robustus G.B. Sowerby iii, 1875 has been discovered in the collection of nhmuk and is designated as lectotype. The status of this species, allocated to Margistrombus Bandel, 2007, is addressed. Both Strombus (Dolomena) marginatus sowerbyorum Visser & Man in ’t Veld, 2005 and Margistrombus boucheti Thach, 2016 are junior subjective synonyms of S. robustus. The lectotype of S. robustus and the holotype of respectively S. (D.) m. sowerbyorum and M. boucheti is illustrated.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

G.C. Kronenberg, S.K. Tan, M.E.Y. Low, & S.Y. Chan. (2019). On the discovery of a syntype of Strombus robustus G.B. Sowerby iii, 1875 (Caenogastropoda, Strombidae) and its identity. Basteria, 83(4-6), 93–101.