Additions and corrections to the checklist of the chalcid wasps of the Netherlands (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) The following 15 species are recorded here for the first time from the Netherlands: Achrysocharoides cruentus Hansson, 1983, Entedon marci Askew, 1992, Omphale brevibuccata Szelényi, 1978, O. nitens Graham, 1963, Aprostocetus arenarius (Erdös, 1954), A. forsteri (Walker, 1847), Eurytoma rufipes Walker, 1832, Colotrechnus viridis (Masi, 1921), Eunotus parvulus Masi, 1931, Gastrancistrus vagans Westwood, 1833, Novitzkyanus cryptogaster Boucek, 1961, Pteromalus chlorospilus (Walker, 1834), Trichomalus statutus (Foerster, 1841), Monodontomerus aeneus (Fonscolombe, 1932) and Torymus pastinacae Graham & Gijswijt, 1998. Recently two revisions of encyrtid genera by Guerrieri & Noyes (2000, 2005) have been published with data on occurrence in the Netherlands based on material of the present author. This leads to the addition of 15 species of Copidosoma and six Metaphycus to the list. Four species: Copidosoma albipes (Westwood, 1837), C. subalbicorne (Hoffer, 1960), Trichomalus conifer (Walker, 1831) and T. rugosus Delucchi & Graham, 1956 were misidentified and have to be removed from the list. Achrysocharoides budensis is recombined with Chrysocharis and Sphaeripalpus laevis (Delucchi, 1953) is recombined with Glyphognathus (Baur 2001). Aprostocetus polygoni (Erdös, 1954) was mentioned twice in the previous list: the citation under the subgenus Aprostocetus s.s. (p. 43) should be removed; it belongs in subgenus Ootetrastichus (p. 44). A few names had to be changed, and the records of a few others are confirmed. The total addition of 36 species and removal of 5 leads to a new total of 1116 species.

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Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen

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M.J. Gijswijt. (2006). Aanvullingen en verbeteringen op de naamlijst van de Nederlandse bronswespen (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen, 25, 19–23.