What is the maximum length of fish species in The Netherlands? After the first Dutch atlas of freshwater fish (de Nie, 1996) RAVON and Sportvisserij Nederland published a new atlas in 2022 (Kranenbarg et al., 2022). In the new atlas the maximum length of 69 species of freshwater fish in the Netherlands is mentioned. These were based on an impressive number of 250 million individuals. Maximum length of each species were derived from di!erent sources mainly based on professional national monitoring schemes, angler’s recordings, citizens scientists, population-studies, literature and social media or internet sources. The anglers are in much cases highly focused on catching big game, these mostly include fish species which exceed a length of well over 45 centimetres. The maximum length of smaller fish species are in most cases found in population studies or monitoring using fishing nets by volunteers. De eenvoudige vraag ‘Hoe lang kan een vissoort worden’, zal niet door iedereen hetzelfde beantwoord worden. Schepnetvissers, beroepsvissers en sportvissers hebben daar ieder hun eigen kijk op. Maar hoe groot worden de verschillende zoetwatervissen daadwerkelijk in Nederland? Op basis van beschikbare en verifieerbare gegevens geven we hierover de stand van zaken zoals die gebruikt is in de nieuwe visatlas 2022.

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R. Creemers, & F. Spikmans. (2022). Hoe lang is een vis?
Maximale lengte van zoetwatervissen in Nederland. RAVON, 24(1), 2–5.