Bunzing Putorius putorius als predator van nestjonge Bruine Kiekendief Circus aeruginosus, en andere waarnemingen
De Takkeling , Volume 29 - Issue 1 p. 83- 84
On 21 June 2020, a polecat was observed in the southwestern Netherlands whilst dragging a dead nestling of Marsh Harrier across a field. The nearby creek held five breeding pairs of Marsh Harriers, and the polecat apparently had taken a chick from one of these nests. At another site, a recently fledged Marsh Harrier was recorded that captured katydids Tettigonia sp. from a field with cereals.
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De Takkeling | |
CC BY 3.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding") | |
Organisation | Werkgroep Roofvogels Nederland |
J. Kouwen. (2021). Bunzing Putorius putorius als predator van nestjonge Bruine Kiekendief Circus aeruginosus, en andere waarnemingen. De Takkeling, 29(1), 83–84. |