De taxonomie van zeekralen (Salicornia L.) (Amaranthaceae) in Nederland
Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives , Volume 45 - Issue 1 p. 11- 32
We analysed 84 specimens of Salicornia from the Netherlands, Europe, and abroad on the detailed genetical variety, using the markers ETS and ITS. The focus was on Dutch diploid and tetraploid annual species, while lesser specimen from different morphological taxa from Europe and beyond have been included in the study. The current view of distinction of a few, broad aggregates in Salicornia in Europe (Kadereit et al. 2012) is in general confirmed. However, we conclude that enough genetic evidence is provided for the distinction of two subspecies, S. procumbens subsp. strictissima and S. p. subsp. procumbens s.str. within the broad S. procumbens aggregate. An isolated population from De Putten area (preliminary called S. nitens) is of interest, as it genetically and morphologically differs from all other Dutch Salicornia specimens. A relatively low number of specimen from other European countries have been analysed in this study, but the results show some indications of variety related to detailed morphological groups within the proposed broader aggregates. Especially the East-European S. perennans aggregate needs further study.
Aanvullende gegevens | |
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Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives | |
Organisatie | Naturalis Biodiversity Center |
J.A.M. Janssen, G.A. de Groot, J. Bovenschen & A.S. Kers. (2023). De taxonomie van zeekralen (Salicornia L.) (Amaranthaceae) in Nederland. Gorteria Dutch Botanical Archives, 45(1), 11–32. |