Two additional specimens of the Indo-Pacific Moon-shell Notocochlis gualtierianus (Récluz, 1844), Fam. Naticidae, are here reported from the Mediterranean coast of Israel. Single empty shells of that species have now been recorded from the beaches of Caesarea (1966), Palmahim (1984), Shiqmona (2003) and Tel Barukh [Tel Aviv] (2007). In Egypt it has been recorded from Port Said. lt still remains uncertain whether this exotic species has established viable populations along the Mediterranean coast of Israel.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

H.K. Mienis. (2009). Mariene mollusken uit het oostelijk deel van de Middellandse Zee, 30.
Twee nieuwe vondsten van Notocochlis gualtierianus (Récluz, 1844) in Israël. Spirula, 367, 24–25.