In August 2008 the authors made an inventory of the malacofauna of the small Wadden island Zuiderduin. The results are reported here. Due to the restricted access to the island, the malacofauna was not well known. In total 14 species of molluscs were found alive on and around the island (see table 1 ). The most remarkable observation was Vertigo angustior (empty shells in 3 soil samples). This species is included in annex II of the EU Habitat Directive. In 2006 it was also found alive in the nearby islands Rottumeroog and Rottumerplaat. Another red list species was Assiminea grayana. Freshwater molluscs do not live on Zuiderduin, since this habitat is not present.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

S. van Leeuwen, A. Boesveld, W. Kuijper, T. Neckheim, & B. van Tooren. (2009). De mollusken van Zuiderduin (Rottum) 2008. Verslag van een inventarisatie in het kader van het Project Habslak en
het Atlasproject Nederlandse Mollusken. Spirula, 367, 26–31.