In August 2009 the authors made an inventory of the malacofauna of the small wadden island Griend. The results are reported here. Due to the restricted access to the island, the non-marine malacofauna was so far not known at all. In total 7 species of land molluscs were found alive, as well as 11 marine species on the tidal flats around the island. There is no permanent freshwater habitat on Griend and only one fresh juvenile shell of Gyraulus laevis was found. So we think freshwater molluscs did not live there during our inventory. Ovatella myosotis and Gyraulus laevis are included in the Red List.


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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

S. van Leeuwen, W. Kuijper, & T. Neckheim. (2010). De mollusken van Griend 2009. Verslag van een inventarisatie in het kader van het Project Habslak en het Atlasproject Nederlandse Mollusken. Spirula, 374, 75–81.