A report is given about the 2nd National Malacology Congress of Turkey, which took place at the Çukurova University in Adana on 8-10 October 2008. During the first two days 20 lectures and 10 posters were presented. Two invited lectures were given: John van Aartsen talked about “Fifty years of (East) Mediterranean marine malacology”, while Henk Mienis dealt with “Exotic freshwater mollusks in Israel”. The congress gives the new generation of Turkish malacologists a first opportunity to present the results of their mollusk studies. These congresses have turned also into an important meeting place where the young Turkish students can meet in a relaxed atmosphere with people with some more experience in malacology. International cooperation between some of the participants has been established during the informal talks during and after the congress since the 1st congress in Izmir in 2004 and this number is most likely to increase after the congress in Adana. The congress finished with a tour in the region south of Adana where the Çukurova University carries out part of its research: the Marine-Biological Fisheries Station near Yumurtalik, the Agricultural High School in Yumurtalik, the Nature Reserve and fishing village of Deveciuşaği Dalyan in the Yumurtalik Lagoon and the Department of Tourism and Hotel Management in the Magarsus Hotel near Karataş. Congratulations to Dr. Cem Çevik and his team for organizing this important event. A list of land- and freshwater mollusks collected before, during and after the congress is added to this report.


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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

H.K. Mienis. (2010). Een verslag betreffende het 2de Nationale Malacologisch Congres van Turkije gehouden in Adana van 8-10 oktober 2008. Spirula, 376, 137–141.