Mitochondrial DNA barcoding exotic amphibians in Dutch coastal dunes In the Dutch coastal dunes, in the National Park Hollandse Duinen, outlier populations of crested newts, midwife toads and tree frogs are known, far removed from other Dutch populations. For the two Anurans, an introduction history is beyond doubt, while for the crested newt a natural relict is a possibility. Biology students from Leiden University have traced the geographical origin of these amphibian populations using mitochondrial DNA barcoding. The crested newts share the same haplotypes with unambiguously native populations from the south (but not the north) of the Netherlands, meaning the mtDNA data does not provide positive evidence for an introduction. The midwife toads show the same mtDNA haplotype that occurs across genetically homogeneous France, Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands, which hampers definition of the exact source of origin. The tree frogs turn out not to concern the species that is native to the Netherlands (Hyla arborea) but two closely related, cryptic species (H. orientalis and H. intermedia). Issues for conservation raised by these results are discussed Van boomkikkers, vroedmeesterpadden en kamsalamanders zijn duinpopulaties van dubieuze herkomst bekend in Nationaal Park Hollandse Duinen. Leidse biologiestudenten hebben aan de hand van DNA de geografische oorsprong van deze populaties getraceerd. Hun resultaten zijn onlangs gepubliceerd als een reeks artikelen in het wetenschappelijke tijdschrift Amphibia-Reptilia en we vatten ze hier samen.

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B. Wielstra, I. den Boer, J. France, M. de Visser, & R.P.J.H. Struijk. (2023). MtDNA barcoding van exotische amfibieën in de duinen. RAVON, 25(2), 26–29.