In October 2010 an inventory was made of molluscs in the nature reserve Kroon’s Polders on Vlieland, one of the Dutch Wadden islands. The excursion was undertaken in the framework of the ‘Habslak project’ which aims to investigate the distribution of Vertigo angustior in the Netherlands. Although Vertigo angustior was the target species it was not discovered on Vlieland. However, a total of 53 other mollusc species were recorded. An overview of all species found is given in a table; distribution maps show further details.


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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

S. van Leeuwen, T. Neckheim, & A. van Peursen. (2011). Inventarisatie van de land- en zoetwatermollusken van de Kroon’s Polders
op Vlieland, 8-10 oktober 2010. Excursie in het kader van het project Habslak en het Atlasproject Nederlandse Mollusken (ANM). Spirula, 380, 52–59.