We assessed ‘primitive’ fossil gastropods from the Dutch coast (Patellogastropoda, Fissurellidae, Scissurellidae and Haliotidae). The last inventory in 1954 produced eight species; here we increase the number to seventeen, including six species of patellogastropod snails, nine fissurellid snail species and two scissurellid species. Two species treated here in open nomenclature are possibly new to science. The occurrence of two species (Tectura testudinalis and Haliotis tubercularis) requires confirmation. We are uncertain about the origin and age of an apparent fossil Scutus spec.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

F.P. Wesselingh, & R. Pouwer. (2011). De fossiele schelpen van de Nederlandse kust II. Patellogastropoda en Vetigastropoda (deel 1). Spirula, 383, 129–141.