In 2022, three individuals of the tettigonid brown-faced spearbearer Copiphora hastata Naskrecki, 2000 were found in a zoo greenhouse in Emmen (province of Drenthe). This tropical greenhouse was partly planted with large amounts of Figuur 3. Vrouwtje van Copiphora hastata. Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen (Drenthe), 21.xi.2022. Foto Nouelle Juhrend. Figure 3. Female of Copiphora hastata. Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen (province of Drenthe), 21.xi.2022. Photo Nouelle Juhrend. 112     60 ‒ 2023 plants from a nursery in Costa Rica, making the introduction pathway clear. Copiphora hastata is described from this Central American country and found in Nicaragua and Honduras as well.

Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen

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EIS Kenniscentrum Insecten en andere ongewervelden

J. Noordijk, C.F.M. den Bieman, & R. Morssinkhof. (2023). Een populatie van de tropische sabelsprinkhaan Copiphora hastata in een dierentuinkas (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). Nederlandse Faunistische Mededelingen, 60, 109–112.