On August 25 and 26, 2012 about ten members and guests of the Netherlands' Malacological Society (NMV) and the Shells Working Group North-East Netherlands (SNON) surveyed Neerwold and Onlanden, two nature domains on the bor der of the Dutch provinces of Groningen and Friesland. A total of 29 land mollusc species was recorded (22 snails and 7 slugs) and 29 freshwater molluscs (21 snails and 8 mussels ). Although no exciting species were encountered the excursion was considered very successful, also with respect to the joint identification and reviewing of species collected.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

A. van Peursen, & J. de Boer. (2013). Mollusken inventariseren in het Neerwold en de Onlanden, op de grens van Groningen en Drenthe. Verslag van de NMV/SNON weekend-excursie 25 & 26 augustus 2012. Spirula, 392, 77–81.