Particularly based on screening of soil samples the occurrence of Vertigo angustior Jeffreys 1830 in the Nether lands was established between 2004-2012. The goal is to repeat this monitoring in the period 2013-2018. However, to facilitate the screening procedure pilot experiments were performed with substitute substrates. In particular results with foam rubber with closed cells ('sitting and sleeping mats') were most promising. Volunteers are invited to participate in the upcoming monitoring within 10 x 10 km squares using substitute substrate mats.


CC BY-NC 4.0 NL ("Naamsvermelding-NietCommercieel")

Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

A. Boesveld, & A. Gmelig Meyling. (2013). Monitoring van de Nauwe korfslak met behulp van substitutie-substraat. Wie helpt mee?. Spirula, 392, 83–85.