From 2003-2013 several inventories of land snails and slugs were made in the Rijk van Nijmegen, an ice-pushed ridge from the last lce Age in the southeast of the province of Gelderland and extending into the northemmost part of the province of Limburg. Remarkable species encountered were Vertigo moulinsiana, Eucobresia diaphana and Limax cinereoniger. Moreover, the Red list species Vertigo substriata, Vertigo pygmaea, Columella edentula and Aegopinella pura were recorded. In comparison with data from 1913-2003 eight species were not found between 2004 and 2013, of which only Clausilia dubia is highly unlikely ever to be recovered. Focused investigations must be executed in attempts to verify whether Balea perversa and Pseudotrichia rubiginosa still do occur; most likely the remaining five species are still present in the area.


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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

A. Boesveld. (2013). Stuwwalgebied Rijk van Nijmegen nog steeds slakkenrijk. Waarnemingen van de afgelopen tien jaar op een rij gezet en vergeleken met waarnemingen uit de periode 1913-2003. Spirula, 392, 92–96.