Cases of most likely a caddisfly Limnephilus spec. (possibly L. flavicornus) were discovered under stones on the shore of a lake in the Natuurpark in Lelystad, province of Flevoland. Cases were predominantly constructed from shells - and even living specimens - of the New Zealand mud snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum. On the case depicted only a few shells of five other snail species were found. The preference for the New Zealand mud snail did not relate to the prevalence of that species on site, suggesting the caddisfly's ability to identify species.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

E.A. Jansen, & A. bij de Vaate. (2013). Een toevallige ontdekking van een bijzondere schelpenverzamelaar. Spirula, 394, 138–138.