Decline of the Common lizard in the Kampina nature reserve A transect, which is part of the Dutch National Reptile Monitoring Scheme, has been almost continuously active since 1995. The transect is located in the heathlands of the Dutch Nature Reserve “de Kampina” (province of Noord-Brabant) and focuses on the Common Lizard (Zootoca vivipara) ). In this period the common lizard showed a severe decline. This local decline mirrors the national population trend. Discussed are the circumstances in the investigated habitat and the possible causes of the decline. Several (potential) environmental and anthropogenic stressors like atmospheric nitrogen deposition, desiccation, disruption of trophic cascades and less favourable management actions like continuous grazing are discussed, as well as possible solutions. In het kader van het NEM Meetprogramma Reptielen is een traject in het natuurgebied Kampina vanaf 1995 vrijwel jaarlijks gemonitord. Het aantal tijdens de tellingen waargenomen levendbarende hagedissen is in die periode drastisch afgenomen. De oorzaak daarvan wordt gezocht in de achteruitgang van de kwaliteit van het leefgebied, die met name veroorzaakt wordt door de depositie van stikstof in combinatie met verdroging.

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F. van Erve. (2023). Neergang van de levendbarende hagedis op Kampina. RAVON, 25(4), 66–69.
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