All data on the introductions and current distribution of the Chinese mystery snail Bellamya chinensis (Gray, 1834) in the Netherlands were collected and verified. The species may occur in ten localities distributed over the Netherlands, but only in two out of these sites large, possibly stable populations seem to occur. Thus far the species is considered alien but not invasive. CO1 barcoding data indicate that Chinese mystery snails collected in the Eijsder Beemden (province of Limburg) are identical with specimens collected in Japan. However, it is not likely that the species was introduced straight from Japan. Rather, simultaneous introduction of Chinese mystery snails and the North American freshwater crayfish Orconectes virilis and/or Procambarus cf. acutus suggests a route from Japan via North America. Expansion of populations of the Chinese mystery snail may be limited by predation. Adult shells were found showing assaults by rodents, presumably Brown rats Rattus norvegicus and possibly Muskrats Ondatra zibethicus. In the Eijsder Beemden a remarkable relative paucity of juveniles was demonstrated; birds, fish and/or other animals may predate these specimens.

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Nederlandse Malacologische Vereniging

D.M. Soes
C.M. Neckheim
G.D. Majoor
S.M.A. Keulen. (2016). Het huidige voorkomen van de Chinese moerasslak
Bellamya chinensis (Gray, 1834) in Nederland. Spirula, 406, 11–18.